miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Rural Health Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Rural Health Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services


The full agenda for the next Rural Health Open Door Forum scheduled for Wednesday, November 13, 2013 from 2pm-3pmET has been posted in the Downloads section of the Rural Health Open Door Forum page. Below are the proposed Announcements & Updates that are subject to change:
Healthcare.gov/Marketplace.cms.gov Re-Launch
FQHC Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule
Rural Health Clinic Contracting Proposed Rule
Clarifying Guidance: CAH 96 Hour Rule
CAH OIG Report
To participate by phone dial: 1-800-837-1935 & reference Conference ID: 70964241. We look forward to your participation.

CMS.gov Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 

Rural Health Open Door Forum

The Rural Health Open Door Forum (ODF) addresses Rural Health Clinic (RHC), Critical Access Hospital (CAH) and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) issues, as well as some inclusion of other questions and concerns that occur in clinical practice pertaining to other CMS payment systems that also extend into these settings. Topics that frequently arise on this forum often deal with payment & billing for services subject to Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) and/or Physician Shortage Area (PSA) status, cost report clarifications, classifications for & qualifications of rural provider types, and the many special provisions being implemented for improving rural health in the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003. Timely announcements and clarifications regarding important rulemaking, quality program initiatives, and other related areas are also included in the Forums.
The Special Open Door Forum “CMS Rule 1599-F: Inpatient Hospital Admission and Medical Review Criteria (2-Midnight Provision) and Part B Inpatient Billing in Hospitals” scheduled for Thursday, September 26th from 2-3PM EST has a new Participant  Dial-in number 1-866-501-5502. The Conference ID remains unchanged 68257949.
Please see the Downloads section below for an ICD-10 announcement titled, “Wednesday, August 28, 2013 – Announcement – ICD-10: Implementation for Physicians, Partial Code Freeze and MS-DRG Conversion Project MLN Connects Video.” Thank you.


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